Explanation of human behaviour: the capabilities of whyve

In the research field of human behaviour, especially its origin and influencing factors, there is a broad range of scientific studies and analyses. In some cases, whyve uses excerpts from those studies as an inspirational basis but our methodology and conclusions lack a complete scientific verification - even if we naturally wanted to have it. One the one hand, this deficiency stems from a missing focus in existing research. On the other hand, an empirical foundation of the explanation of many human behaviours in today's world is unfortunately no longer possible since our current behaviour has been influenced by our modern environment for centuries.

Thus, our analyses and conclusions on the origin of human behaviour are based on logically derived causal relationships. Inspired by observations and research, we try to work out a possible origin of our observable behaviour and aim to differentiate in particular whether our behaviour has a natural, genetic origin or rather arose from our environment. 


At whyve, we constantly develop potential applications of our findings. At the moment, we roughly differentiate between two applications:

Our solutions for everyone of us.


Our solutions for the corporate life.